The Power of Prostration

The accompanying story was referenced by the sibling Firoz who is initially from Guyana and now living in Scarborough, Canada. Sibling Firoz lived in the USA before moving to Canada. He can undoubtedly be recognized as a Muslim as he wears a Muslim cap and has white facial hair. In the USA, one day he was setting off to the market to get a few things when he was drawn nearer by a white American man who solicited him whether he knew from any Halal Muslim eatery. Sibling Firoz knew about one, however, he was not able to provide him with the correct guidance. He assumed that the American was another Muslim around there. Along these lines, sibling Firoz welcomed him to his home to have some nourishment. There were additionally some other Muslim siblings living with Firoz around then. When they achieved home, everybody in the house respected the unique visitor. They were likewise inquisitive to think about the motivation behind why he acknowledged Islam.

The new sibling revealed to them that he was taking a world religions course in the University. His instructor happened to be Jewish. When they went to the subject about Islam, the Jewish instructor at one point began demonstrating the class how Muslims implore. "The minute I saw the educator doing surrender (sajdah), I realized that I had a place with this religion," said the new sibling. This is the thing that drove him to Islam, a straightforward showing of sajdah.

Only one demonstration of Islam was sufficient to make this individual a Muslim. Envision, what number of individuals will be persuaded when every one of the Muslims begins rehearsing Islam totally!
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